Cambridge Day 2023Free event for English teachers
21.03.2023, 15:00–18:00
Join Cambridge English online for a rich programme with teaching tips and fun ideas as well as information on how to structure exam preparation for your students and get more information on learning materials.
We will first kick things off with a live testimonial from an experienced teacher from Germany. The teacher will give you the ins and outs of preparing and taking a Cambridge English Qualification. We will then continue on to cover a range of topics, including some very practical hands-on teaching tips from Penny Ur. We will also explore strategies and approaches to promote a more collaborative learning environment for teaching grammar.
We look forward to welcoming both new and experienced Cambridge English teachers online.
NB. Certificates of attendance will be given to participants.
Your Cambridge team
- 15:00-15:25 Welcome & Introduction. Listen to an experienced teacher, Ms Patricia Böhn-Kaiser from Hohe Landesschule Hanau, and learn how she works with Cambridge English exams and learning materials
- 15:30–16:25 My top 30 teaching tips - Penny Ur
- 16:25–16:30 Break
- 16:35–16:55 Q&A and What’s new? Overview of key preparation titles and new digital resources
- 17:00–17:55 The Collaborative Grammar Classroom: Dynamic Approaches to Teaching Grammar – Rachel Jeffries